

Kaleidoscope: A Cloud-Based Platform for Real-Time Video-based Interaction

The paper “Kaleidoscope: A Cloud-Based Platform for Real-Time Video-based Interaction” was presented in June at SERVICES 2016, held in San Francisco, USA.

Mobile video streaming becomes increasingly useful in a variety of contexts (social interaction, education, and entertainment) and increasingly feasible with the rapid advancement of wireless networks and mobile technologies. In this paper, we present, Kaleidoscope, a cloud platform for multimedia streaming on mobile devices, enhanced with textual and touch-display interactions for a rich user experience. We evaluate the Kaleidoscope system on two different clouds at different locations, testing the streaming quality, and CPU and memory usage, using different numbers of clients.

Authors: Diego Serrano, Hu Zhang, Eleni Stroulia

From Relations to Multi-Dimensional Maps: Towards A SQL-to-HBase Transformation Methodology

In June, I presented the paper “From Relations to Multi-Dimensional Maps: Towards A SQL-to-HBase Transformation Methodology” at CLOUD 2015, in New York, USA. [link]

In this paper, we describe a method for transforming and migrating data schemas developed for RDBMS to HBase. The method consists of a set of HBase-organization guidelines and a four-step data-schema transformation process that HBase application developers may follow during the migration of their application data from RDBMSs to HBase. The method also considers data-access paths extracted from query logs, in order to improve the quality of the transformation and the eventual access efficiency of the HBase repository. We illustrate and validate the method with a case study.

Authors: Diego Serrano, Dan Han, Eleni Stroulia